Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kek Lok Si, 2010

This is my third year for shooting Kek Lok Si since I have my DSLR. This year I have to try different shooting location, or else it will be boring to me already :P. I have tried to capture the fireworks during the lighting ceremony, unfortunately the fireworks started when the sky is still bright, so no nice image was captured.
After first week of CNY, I went to KLS again and tried to capture some photos from different view (inside and outside of the temple), and here are some of my favorite shots:

Overview of Kek Lok Si temple, Penang. Isn't it beautiful building in Penang??
Kek Lok Si, Penang

Blur a bit on KLS temple, trying something different
Kek Lok Si, Penang

More blurrrrr...
Kek Lok Si, Penang

Inside the Kek Lok Si temple, shoot this on different day.
Kek Lok Si, Penang

When the sky getting darker..
Kek Lok Si, Penang

This is the new statue of Kuan Yin, it's really big
Kek Lok Si, Penang

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